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Text File | 1996-04-29 | 71.3 KB | 1,371 lines |
- DzikoSoft(TM)
- ╔════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ Part One: The Black God ║
- ║ (C) 1995-1996 Bartek Dzik ║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════╝
- "Lords of Doom" is a SHAREWARE fantsy role playing game.
- This file contains information about playing the game, registering,
- troubleshooting, as well as description of fantasy world, where
- the action of "The Black God" takes place.
- Chapter One : General Overview.
- Chapter Two : System requirements and technical notes.
- Chapter Three: How to register this game.
- Chapter Four : License Agreement, disclaimer.
- Chapter Five : SETUP utility and MUSIC settings.
- Chapter Six : HELP: how to play the game.
- Chapter Seven: Troubleshooting.
- Chapter Eight: RPG System and World from Lords of Doom.
- Chapter Nine : Spells description.
- This is the first release of Lords of Doom: The Black God.
- (ver. 1.41, April 1996)
- I live in Poland and I know that my English is not excellent.
- Sorry for any mistakes you will find in this text file or during gameplay.
- 1. What is shareware:
- Lords of Doom is a shareware game. Shareware programs follow the rule
- "try before you buy": shareware product may be used for a limited period
- of time without spending any money. If you do continue using it, or want
- to use some of its extended features, disabled in shareware version,
- then you pay for it. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of
- software, it allows you to see whether the program is that, what your need,
- before you pay for it. All shareware software is copyrighted software,
- as well as any retail software.
- 2. Short Description of Lords of Doom: The Black God.
- The Black God is the first part of Lords of Doom fantasy role playing saga.
- The purpose of the game is to lead alone hero to defeat powerful
- evil demi-god awaked by the Great Comet.
- You will find the large playing area, lots of interactive dialogues with
- NPCs, magical book with over sixty pages of darkest knowledge, plenty of
- monsters, many items and powerful spells. Game features VGA high-resolution
- (640x480) graphics, intuitive contol interface (mouse or keyboard) and
- build in HELP. This game was designed to give the player maximum level
- of realism in typical situations: (for example when hero finds the locked
- door, he need not to seek a key, he may always try to pick the lock or
- break through the door - it will take some time, of course) etc.
- There are combat and healing spells available for the character, but
- there are aslo spells which allow to fly, resist fire, poison and
- enemy's blows, and even move through stone walls.
- It is possible to find some earlier version of Lords of Doom: The Black God
- (there might have been sent to some FTP-sites etc.).
- These versions (with the file LOD.EXE earlier than 10th April) have bugs,
- which may cause some troubles: it may be impossible to open the entrance to
- Labyrinth of Forgotten Souls in Guardians' Temple. If you find such
- versions (lod.exe file elder than 10th April, length of lod.exe 292988
- bytes) on any FTP-site etc., please give me know about it, so I will be
- able to send current version there, or, if you can, replace the old version
- with this version. (Current version should have the lod.exe file from
- 12th April, length of lod.exe: 293004 bytes).
- 4. Copyright information.
- Lords of Doom (TM): The Black God (TM)
- is copyrighted by Bartek Dzik 1995-1996.
- MIDI files with Lords of Doom soundtrack
- are copyrighted by Michal Dzik 1995-1996.
- 5. How to contact the author:
- I am interested in work or co-operation with software companies. If you
- want me to work for you as RPGs scenario editor or programmer, or if you
- have any other proposals please contact me at the following address:
- Bartek Dzik
- ul.Skrzetuskiego 4/61
- 20-628 Lublin
- I can be also reached in Internet at:
- dziko@zeus.kul.lublin.pl
- 6. One interesting story...
- When I made a scenario of Lords of Doom over a year ago I had no idea
- that so extreme coincidence may happen: All troubles in the world of
- "Lords of Doom: The Black God" are caused by the Great Comet. Currently
- when the game is being released a big comet called HYAKUTAKE is passing
- through our solar system. Well, I was really surprised when I heard
- first time about this comet. But that is not enough: when the game is
- being released HYAKUTAKE is passing near the Earth and approaching the
- Sun: just like the Great Comet from Lords of Doom...
- Many other strange things happened during making this game, for
- example: the test version of the game had built in debugger which shows
- position on a map, and some other variables. When I tested the last
- level of Guardians' Temple, I stepped into pentagram and debugger
- showed the number... 666. Well, it seems that some magic still
- remains in our world.
- 1. Confguration required to run the game:
- PC AT compatibile.
- DOS ver. 3.30 or later.
- VGA graphics card.
- 330 kilobytes of free base memory (580 for Gravis Ultrasound music).
- Hard disk with at least 2.2 MB of free space.
- Mouse.
- Recommended configuration:
- 386SX or faster CPU.
- DOS ver. 5.0 or later.
- Fast VGA (PCI or LOCAL-BUS) card.
- Running a disk caching utility (like smartdrv.exe etc.).
- 330 kilobytes of free base memory (580 for Gravis Ultrasound music).
- Hard disk with at least 2.2 MB of free space.
- Mouse.
- Note: The game files take about 2 MB of hard disk space, but game uses
- also 200 kilobytes of disk space for temporary files, so it can
- not be run from a CD-ROM drive. You must install the game on the
- hard disk to run it. Using the disk caching utility will make the
- game to run much faster.
- 2. Running the game under the MS Windows.
- Lords of Doom is a DOS game, but it may be run under MS Windows, as a
- DOS application. Running the game under Windows allows users of some
- sound cards to hear the music during gameplay, refer to Chapter Five
- for details.
- Note: If Gravis Ultrasound music is enabled you can not run the game
- under Windows, (bad things may happen - disable music in SETUP.EXE).
- 3. Game Files.
- The game consists of the following files:
- Executable files:
- LOD.EXE : main EXE file.
- SETUP.EXE : setup utility.
- Data files:
- FILENAME: LENGTH (in bytes):
- imgdat.ld1 284,796.
- imsmdat.ld1 21,168.
- texdat.ld1 234,640.
- tdirdat.ld1 77,166.
- mapdat.ld1 262,440.
- itedat.ld1 20,000.
- cmddat.ld1 19,683.
- specdat.ld1 21,877.
- mscdat.ld1 235,606.
- save_a.ld1 73,155.
- save_b.ld1 73,155.
- save_c.ld1 73,155.
- save_d.ld1 73,155.
- save_e.ld1 73,155.
- Text files:
- README.DOC : README file (you are reading it).
- ORDER.DOC : register form.
- Configuration file:
- cfgdat.ld1 (length 184 bytes).
- Note: If, for some reasons, configuration file cfgdat.ld1 is missing
- simply run setup.exe : configuration file will be automatically
- created.
- Lords of Doom is a shareware game. You may play this game for some time,
- and if you want to finish "The Black God", you should register it.
- Shareware version of the game has one limitation: you may save your game
- in any stage of your quest, however saves from the futher stages
- of the game, (starting from City of Dacrell), may only be restored in the
- registered version of Lords of Doom. In shareware version, names of
- saves that cannot be restored are GRAY in the save game list, while
- other names of saves are RED. Registering the game allows you to load
- your save game files that were not availabe in the shareware vesion.
- To register the game you need the password, which unlocks the ability
- of your game to restore any saved game. To receive the password please
- send 15$ (fiveteen U.S. Dollars, or equivalent - see below) to the address:
- Bartek Dzik
- ul.Skrzetuskiego 4/61
- 20-628 Lublin
- This is Polish address, so do not forget to write it correctly.
- You may use ORDER.DOC file, or simply include your name and
- address on a separate piece of paper in the letter.
- Please send cheque, cash (if you send cash, I suggest sending it in
- registerd letter, for better protection) or money order. If you send
- cheque please add 5$ for compensating bank charges etc.
- Make cheques and money orders payable to Bartek Dzik.
- I can accept currencies of the following countries:
- Cash or money order: Cheque:
- 1. U.S.A: 15.0[USD] 20.0[USD]
- 2. CANADA: 20.0[CAD] 26.0[CAD]
- 3. GREAT BRITAIN: 10.0[GBP] 13.0[GBP]
- 4. DEUTCHLAND: 22.0[DEM] 29.0[DEM]
- 5. FRANCE: 85.0[FRF] 115.0[FRF]
- 6. SWITZERLAND: 20.0[CHF] 26.0[CHF]
- 7. THE NETHERLANDS: 25.0[NLG] 34.0[NLG]
- 8. AUSTRIA: 150.0[ATS] 200.0[ATS]
- 9. SWEDEN: 100.0[SKR] 135.0[SKR]
- 10. AUSTRALIA: 20.0[AUD] 26.0[AUD]
- Users in other countries: send 15$ (20$ if cheque) or equivalent in any
- of currencies mentioned above. Users from POLAND: send 20.0 PLN.
- When I receive your payment I will send you the PASSWORD in the letter.
- (If you live ouside Europe I will send it via air-mail, this should
- save some time). If you are an Internet user, and want to receive the
- password via e-mail (it will be faster), add your e-mail address, and
- choose this form of delivery in file ORDER.DOC. I will send you the MAIL
- message which contains the PASSWORD (even if you want to receive the
- PASSWORD via e-mail, write your address: if for some reasons, like hardware
- failure etc. I am not able to sent you an e-mail, I will send you the
- PASSWORD in the letter).
- 1. Run SETUP.EXE from your Lords of Doom directory.
- 2. Choose REGISTER THE GAME from the menu.
- 3. Enter your full name and press ENTER.
- 4. Enter the password and press ENTER.
- 5. You will see your name and password, choose ACCEPT to proceed, RETYPE
- if you want to write your name or password again, or press <ESC> to
- quit the registering process.
- If you enter the correct password the game will be registered to you,
- and you will be able to restore any of your save game files.
- Any new versions of "Lords of Doom: The Black God" will work
- with this password.
- ------- CHAPTER FOUR: -------
- Shareware version of the game may be added to any BBS or FTP site without
- specific permission from the author. The only requirement is, that all game
- files listed in Chapter Two must be included with no modifications.
- Any shareware or game magazines may include shareware version of
- Lords of Doom on its cover disks or cover CDs without permission from the
- author. The requirement described above applies. If you add the game
- to your cover disks or CDs please inform me about it, so I will know
- where my game is distributed.
- All shareware vendors are granted a limited license to distribute this
- shareware game. Following requirements apply:
- 1. You may only distribute SHAREWARE UNREGISTERED VERSION of this
- software. If you are not sure if it is a shareware version, just run
- SETUP.EXE: if option REGISTER THE GAME is available in the menu,
- that means that it is a valid shareware version of Lords of Doom.
- 2. It must be clearly explained that this software is shareware.
- 3. No more than a modest distribution fee may be charged by the vendor.
- 4. No modification of game files is allowed. All files listed in
- Chapter Two of this README.DOC file must be included. You may
- add a *.bat file which installs the game etc. If you want you
- may distribute this game compressed.
- 5. You may include the shareware version of the game in any retail
- enviroment, such as CDs etc. without permission from the author,
- however I should be informed about it, so I will be able to send
- you the latest version of Lords of Doom.
- 6. Bartek Dzik should be mentioned, as an author of this game,
- in any catalogue description associated with distribution of
- this software.
- If you follow all requirements above, you may distribute
- Lords of Doom: The Black God.
- To configure the game you must run SETUP.EXE from the Lords of Doom
- directory. You can do following things in the setup:
- 1. Register your game (see Chapter Three for details).
- 2. Set system speed: set up game to work with appropriate
- speed on your system.
- 3. Set up music and extract MIDI files.
- Setting system speed:
- Speed of your VGA card is very important for the game, SETUP gives you
- possibility to set up game to work fine with your VGA card: for example,
- if you have very fast PCI SVGA card the game may run too fast without
- proper settings and so on. Here is a little example: the game will run
- much faster on a 486DX-33MHz with a typical LOCAL-BUS or PCI VGA card,
- then on 486DX4-100MHz with an old ISA-BASED VGA card.
- If you want to set up speed of the game, choose from the SETUP menu
- SET SYSTEM SPEED and then PROCEED. Testing speed of your VGA card may
- take up to 20 seconds, but it takes usually less then 10 seconds with
- modern, high-performace cards. You may interrupt this test by pressing
- any key. When the test is completed, the proper information will be
- automatically saved in configuration file.
- Note: Controls Menu from the game allows you to customize speed
- of the character movement: see Chapter Seven for details.
- Setting up music.
- Currently in the first release of Lords of Doom only Gravis Ultrasound
- wavetable card is supported. Other sound cards, like Sound Blaster or
- Roland may be supported in the next releases of this game.
- Music from Lords of Doom is available in MIDI files. To get these files,
- from SETUP menu choose MUSIC SETTINGS and then EXTRACT MIDI FILES.
- The setup will extract 20 MIDI files, text file MUSIC.DOC and
- Lords of Doom icon: LOD.ICO. You may run the game under MS Windows
- and play the music in the background using Media Player: refer to file
- MUSIC.DOC for more details, chapter 3.
- The game will play the music through your PLAYMIDI program: by calling
- it as a TSR program. To hear the music you must run SETUP utility:
- choose MUSIC SETTINGS then SET MUSIC TO Gravis Ultrasound, and then
- choose ACCEPT SETTINGS. Your GUS must be initialized, and ULTRASND,
- ULTRADIR, and path to your ULTRASOUND directory must be set. (Usually
- your Ultrasound Setup does automatically all these settings, so it should
- be no problem). The game requires 580 kilobytes of free base memory to
- be run with GUS music: if you have less free memory LOD.EXE will
- inform you about it when you try to run the game.
- If you have to get some more base memory, quit some resident utilities
- like Norton Commander etc. and try to run the game with configuration
- files CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT which do not call CD-ROM and similar
- drivers (which occupy a lot of memory), and use MEMMAKER (from DOS 6.0
- or later) utility to optimize memory usage.
- NOTE: Running disk caching utility (like smartdrv.exe etc.) will
- considerably increase speed of loading music.
- 1. Getting started.
- You may skip screens in introduction by pressing any key, or skip the
- whole introduction by pressing <ESC>. Introduction will run at the
- start of the game, if only one save game slot is used. From the first
- menu you may choose NEW GAME, LOAD GAME or QUIT. When you choose
- the NEW GAME you will be able to see the introduction again, or CREATE
- HERO. If you want to create character choose CREATE HERO. Then use
- mouse or F1-F10 keys to pick up two attributes and two skills. Press
- TAB or clikc on an icon of pen to enter name of your hero (use
- BACKSPACE to delete characters when entering your name). Then use
- mouse or <R> and <L> keys to select character's handedness. To choose
- face of your character use mouse (click on the face you would like to
- choose) or use 1 - 7 keys. To accept the character press ENTER or click
- on the proper bar. To cancel character generation press ESC.
- Note: ACCEPT CHARACTER option will be disabled, unless you pick up
- two attributes and two skills (see above).
- Note: There should be one save game available called "Steppes of Naar" which
- allows you to quickly start the game without creating character.
- 2. How to play the game.
- You may move your hero using arrow keys or clicking on the map in the
- direction you wish to move (UP arrow key to move to the North etc.).
- If you want to jump (it may be useful in some situations) press PgUp
- and then select direction using mouse or arrow keys.
- Your character may move through the water with no trouble, if it is
- normal water of course (a small lake etc.); moving in the swamp water or
- in dirty water in the sewers may be dangerous to character health.
- A Fly spell (Energy Sphere, 3rd power level: see Chapter Nine), allows
- to move over some obstacles like trees etc.
- To pick up an item you must step on it and then press SPACE or click
- on character face.
- To select an item from the inventory click on its
- icon or use 1 - 7 keys. If you want to select an item from the backpack using
- the keyboard, press 8 and then 1 - 0 key. When item is selected it is
- surrounded by the yellow frame (while all not-selected are surrounded
- by the white frames).
- When the item is selected you can DROP it: press SPACE or click anywhere
- on the map; or YOU CAN USE the item (drink wine, eat food, cast spells from
- the wand etc.) by clicking RIGHT mouse button, or pressing ENTER.
- You may move HIGHLIGHTED item to a new location: pressing 8 or clicking
- on any location in the backpack will move this item to the backpack.
- If backpack is full the item will be swapped with the last item in backpack
- (if it is possible).
- To move an item to location other than backpack, highlight the item and click
- on a new location or press 1 - 7 key. If there is another item on that
- location, the items will be swapped if it is possible.
- Remember: it is not "drag and drop": you must click on the
- item and then click on another location without keeping the mouse
- button pressed the whole time.
- To cast the spell press ENTER or click on an icon with mystic eyes. The
- numbers to the left are you magic points ratings: current and maximum:
- for example it may look like: 5 of 15: you have 5 magic points now, and
- you may have maxium of 15 magic points (unless the Meditation is used,
- see below). You may not cast spells when you keep heavy items in both
- hands. At least one hand must be free, or keep only a small item: a dagger,
- a potion etc. Then use mouse or 1 - 5 keys to select magic sphere.
- After selecting the sphere use mouse or 1 - 5 keys to select the spell.
- At the start of the game you will have two spell from each sphere,
- there are five possible spells in each sphere: refer to Chapter Nine
- for details. You may cancel spellcasting in any moment by pressing
- ESC or rigth mouse button.
- If you want to deal with someone, get closer to him (or her) and press space
- or click on the character face. You will see the menu: choose TALK, LEAVE
- or ATTACK. During talk use 1 - 5 keys or click on character questions.
- The game has an interactive dialogue system: some informations gained in
- one dialogue may be used in dialogues with other beings etc. Read all
- questions very carefully: collecting informations is a very important
- part of your game.
- People from the given area will react on your strange actions: if you kill
- someone in the village all other villagers may not want to talk to you at
- all, some of them may even attack you if you get close to them etc.
- When dealing with merchant use 1 - 4 keys or click on items in merchant's
- inventory to select the item to buy. Use PgUp or PgDn or click on arrow
- icon to scroll merchant's inventory. If you would like to sell something,
- press ENTER or clikc anywhere on your inventory to activate selling mode.
- During selling mode select items you would like to sell the same way
- as described above (point b.). To quit selling mode or to leave
- merchant's shop press <ESC> or right mouse button.
- e.) FIGHT
- You may perform following actions during cobat:
- -Use arrow keys or mouse to select an enemy you want to attack.
- -Use 1 - 5 keys or click on the proper icon to select one of five possible
- attack types: normal, cautious, minor critical, major critical and berserk.
- (Refer to Chapter Eigth if you want some more details).
- -Cast spell: the same way as decribed above (in point c.).
- Healing and energy spells may not be cast during combat.
- -Activate HELP screen: by pressing F1, see below.
- -Drop, use or move items from hands or belt: use 6 - 9 keys or mouse
- in similar manner as described in point b.), but you may not swap
- items during combat.
- -Speak The First Words of Banishment, press 0 key or click on the proper
- icon: During the game there is possibility to learn one magical incantation
- known as the Words of Banishment: a really powerful weapon against undead
- enemies (see Chapter Eight for more details). This option is only
- available when you know these words and fight with undead enemy.
- f.) HELP
- Pressing F1 will activate help screen, use PgUp, PgDn or click on arrows
- icon to change pages of the HELP. Press <ESC> or right mouse button to
- return to game. Help is availabe from the standard playing screen, and also
- during combat.
- g.) AREA MAP
- Pressing F2 or clicking on the map icon will show the Area Map. The
- area map is drawn during your movement: it shows only that part of the
- given location where you have been during your quest. Water on the
- map is represented by the blue color, doors, teleporters and other special
- things by red, dangerous terrain by magenta, and NPCs by yellow color.
- Illusionary walls look on the map just like real walls, unless you pass
- through them: then they will by represented on the map as the open area.
- To close the map and return to game press any key.
- Pressing F3 or clicking on HEART icon will activate the Rest Menu.
- Numbers to the rigth from the heart icon are your health points: current
- and maximum: White color of the current health points score, means that you
- are quite healthy. Gray color means that you are moderately wounded,
- red color means that character is seriously wounded. When health points
- score reaches zero character is dead. Powerful spells may temporary
- raise the health points beyond its natural maximum level, for example
- character may have 33 of 25 health points. In such situation your
- current health points score will have the yellow color.
- You may quit from REST menu by pressing <ESC> or right mouse button.
- There are four possible options of REST,
- (choose them using mouse or with F1 - F4 keys):
- F1 - Quick Rest: Allows character to rest for a very short period of time:
- somethig about ten minutes. It is useful for example, if you just need
- to regain one magic point to cast a given spell etc.
- F2 - Rest: Allows to rest from 1 up to 6 hours. It is used to regain magic
- points and a little of hit points. Hero will regain 6 magic points per
- hour if he is not sleepy, or 3 if he is sleepy. He will not regain
- any magic points if he is very sleepy. Of course magic points are
- being regained also during normal play (when hero explores the area
- etc.) with the same speed as during rest (one magic points per ten
- minutes of ingame time, and so on).
- F3 - Meditation: it is the ability to raise character's magic points score
- beyond normal maximum. You must have your full magic points score
- reached, and you can not be sleepy to meditate. Meditation will give
- a four magic points per hour, up to 150 percent of maximum level:
- for example, you may have 30 of 20 magic points. When you have those
- additional magic points their current score will have yellow color.
- When you have this additional power it is more difficult to cast
- the spells. Additional magic points will disappear if you go to sleep.
- F4 - Sleep: Anyone must sometimes sleep. Sleep may take from 7 up to 12
- hours: it depends on your heatlh condition and time which passed since
- the last sleep. Sleep will restore all your magic points, (but it may
- also dispel additional power gained by meditation) and restore some
- of your hit points. When you are sleepy it is more difficult to fight,
- cast spells and you regain magic points far slower.
- HEALTH ICONS: on the right from your health points score some icons may
- sometimes appear: icon of the food means that character is
- hungry, icon of the bottle means that character is thirsty.
- Icon of poisoned blood means that you are poisoned: two such
- icons mean that you are seriously poisoned. Icon of yellow
- hand (or two such icons) means that character is diseased
- (or seriously diseased). Fially icon of an eye (or tho such
- icons) means that character is sleepy (or very sleepy).
- THE QUESTION OF TIME: Character has nine days to complete his quest. It is
- really quite a lot of time, and you don't need to hurry up.
- There is a rectangle with the symbols of sun in the game, which
- shows ellapsed time. If ellapsed time "has" blue color, it
- means that everything is all rigth. Only if ellapsed time
- "becomes" red, that means that you must hurry up.
- By pressing F4 or clicking on the icon of disk you will activate the
- disk options menu. You may load the game, save your game or quit to DOS.
- In shareware version of this game not every saved game may be restored:
- see Chapter Three for more details. If you choose to load or save the
- game use mouse or 1 - 5 keys to select the slot to load or save your game.
- You may quit from this menu by pressing <ESC> or right mouse button.
- By pressing F5 or clicking on the controls icon you will activate the
- Controls menu. You may select movement speed from this menu by clicking
- on proper bars or pressing 1 - 3 keys. If music was enabled in game
- configuration, you may use F1 and F2 keys or mouse to turn ingame music
- or fight music on / off.
- When you make you settings press ENTER to accept them,
- or ESCAPE to cancel.
- Pressing PgDn or clicking on the icon of a chest allows you to search the
- ground. There are three possible reasons for searching the groud:
- - You stand in the water and you want to drink the water.
- - You want to get item from the chest.
- - You seek hidden item (there are some items that can only be found
- by searching the given area, however if character must get such an item
- he should approximately know the place where it is hidden: searching
- the big area takes a lot of time).
- Press <TAB> or click on the icon of blue sphere to see character current
- attributes and skills rating. Character gains experience through his long
- quest: it gives him additonal health and magic points and increases rating
- of his attributes and skills, (see Chapter Eight for Details).
- To return to game press any key.
- - F8 key will refresh the music (if it is enabled in configuration file).
- If you are using Gravis Ultrasound music you may turn the music off
- immediatelly by pressing both shifts.
- - F10 or shift+D will give you a real DOS shell. Well, it is the first
- game with DOS shell I have ever seen. You may use this DOS shell as
- a great BOSS-KEY or for other purposes. DOS shell from Lords of Doom
- should give about 280 - 300 kilobytes of free base memory. To return
- to game type EXIT <ENTER> from the DOS prompt.
- Warning: Do not try to run lod.exe when you are in Lords of Doom
- DOS shell, it may lead to current game data loss!
- QUESTION OF SAVE GAME FILES: The game gives you five slots to save your
- games. If you think that it is not enough you may back up save game
- files and use it whenever you wish. All data concernig the given save
- game is in one save game file (from the first slot - in file save_a.ld1,
- from the second slot - in save_b.ld1 and so on). Remember that all
- five save game files (from save_a.ld1 to save_e.ld1) must be in the
- Lords of Doom directory, otherwise you will receive an ERROR message
- when you run the game.
- This chapter is divided into two main parts: technical problems and
- problems concerning the gameplay.
- Running the game with QEMM: There were some strange troubles with
- older version of Lords of Doom, running on computer with QEMM
- installed. Occasionally, after saving the game, no disk operations
- were possible (like loading, saving etc.) and the left half of the
- area map was entirely clear. However these problems were connected
- only with test-versions of the game, no such problems were
- noticed with this version of Lords of Doom.
- However if anyone encounters such troubles with this version of
- the game: just quit the game (don't worry your last save game
- operation was succesfull, even if strange things happened then),
- and restart the game: you should have no troubles.
- So if anyone finds any bugs in this version of Lords of Doom which
- causes troubles with QEMM please inform me: I will try to solve
- the problem.
- Running the game on the Novell 4.x network terminal: I encountered
- only one strange thing when I run the game on the Novell 4.x
- terminal: it is very small problem and is not dangerous at
- all: just when you give a new description to a save game and
- save your game, when you will try to load this game, you may
- see the old save descripion, however the game was saved
- properly. I don't know if it is the Novell Netware 4.x fault
- or the fault of the computers I worked on. Maybe the reason is
- the network HD access, but who may now it? The problem above
- appeared in the test versions of the game. I haven't tested current
- version of Lords of Doom on the network terminal, so I don't
- know if this problem may occur at all in this version of
- the game. If you encounter such strange things just give
- me know about them, I will see if I can help.
- If you encounter any other problems, just give me know about them.
- (You may find my e-mail address in the Chapter One, I use
- Internet only once or twice per week, so sometimes you will
- have to wait a few days for my answer etc.).
- Some technical informations (if you are interested in game engine):
- This game was written in 95% on the 386SX-33MHz machine, so it should
- work fine on old slower computers. The game occupies small amount of
- base memory (about 330K), but it uses temporary files to keep the
- game data: it is my first step to create virtual world system: some
- minor modifications will allow the game to work with size of the world
- limited only by the free space of hard disk, unlimited by the
- amount of free memory you have. Well, but it will probably concern
- my future products.
- Q: The game runs too fast on my computer (Pentium processor, fast
- PCI SVGA card, etc.), how to slow it down?
- A: Run SETUP.EXE and choose SET SYSTEM SPEED and then PROCEED. The setup
- will test the speed of your system. If you get a test time lower
- then 6 seconds, your system is really very fast. After this test,
- setup will automatically configure the game to work with the proper
- speed on your computer. If you still want the game to work slower,
- from the CONTROLS menu in the game (activated by F5 key) set
- MOVENENT SPEED to SLOW and accept settings by pressing <ENTER>.
- Q: The game often uses hard disk access, so it works quite slow in
- some moments, is the way to omit this problem?
- A: The game was designed to occupy small amount of memory, but it
- uses temporary files, and it may slow down the game on a computer
- with an old, slow hard disk drive. Any disk caching utility (like
- smartdrv.exe etc.) will make the game to run much faster.
- Q: I get an error message "ERROR: can't create TEMP file!" when I tried
- to run the game.
- A: The game needs about 200 kilobytes of free hard disk space to work
- properly, so you cannot run this game from the CD-ROM drive or
- completely full hard disk. If you have game installed on your hard
- disk, and you have the free disk space stated above, and this
- error still occurs, that means that game was probably incorrectly
- installed from the CD-ROM drive: try to delete file "tmpdat.ld1"
- and "lmusic.mid" from your Lords of Doom directory,
- it should solve the problem.
- Q: I find files tmpdat.ld1 and/or lmusic.mid in my Lords of Doom
- directory. There were no such files before.
- A: These are Lords of Doom temporary files, they are normally deleted
- when you quit the game, but if, for example, your computer was
- accidentally turned off during gameplay you may find these files in
- the game directory. You may delete these files, if you wish. They
- will be also deleted when you run the game.
- Q: What skills and attributes pick up to create the best character?
- A: I would pick up WILLPOWER and TOUGHNESS from the attributes, and
- FIGHTER SKILL and WIZARD SKILL from the skills, but it does not
- mean, that it will be the best selection for all situations, it's
- rather a question of individual preferences. Characters with
- picked up other attributes and skills may also be a very
- good character.
- Q: How can I use an item?
- A: Select the item from your inventory by clicking on it, or pressing
- 1 - 8 keys (refer to Chapter Six for details) and then press ENTER
- or RIGHT mouse button.
- Q: How can I learn the spell?
- A: You must use a magical crystal which holds the spell, for example:
- "crystal of Ice Strike", then use this crystal as you use any other
- item and you will learn the spell. To learn the spell from the given
- sphere you must know all the lesser spells from this sphere.
- Q: What are the effects of red, green, colorful and black potions?
- A: Red potion acts like Minor Healing spell: it heals some wounds, but
- only if you are not too seriously wounded. Green potion acts like
- Neutralize Poison spell: it removes or reduces poisons and diseases.
- Drinking colorful potion gives you the equivalent of two meals
- and one bottle of wine. Black potion partially dispels the need for
- sleep: after drinking the black potion, character will become sleepy
- about 8 hours later than without drinking it.
- Q: When I drink the wine I got an empty bottle, may I fill it
- in any way?
- A: Just step in the water and use the bottle.
- Q: How can I use a torch or candle?
- A: Just keep it in one of your hands, it is used automatically.
- Q: How will I get experience points?
- A: You are getting expirience points for exploring the area, talking
- with NPCs and solving different problems. With your expirence your
- amount of magic points, health points and ratings of your attributes
- and skills will increase. The amount of magic points and WIZARD SKILL
- also depends on the number of spells the character knows.
- Q: Sometimes, when I cast a healing spell, character becomes hungry
- and/or thirsty. Is it an error in the game?
- A: No, it is not an error. Healing spells cannot create anything from
- nothing. They uses body resources to rebuilt character health,
- so casting such a spell will make character more hungry and thirsy.
- This is also the reason, why healing spells cannot be cast when
- character is hungry and thirsy.
- Q: How can I jump?
- A: Press PgUp and then select direction using mouse or arrow keys.
- Q: Is there a way to pass through water in the sewers or swamp
- without loosing the health points?
- A: Yes, use Water Breathing spell (from the Body Sphere).
- Q: What are the ratings (ACC:,DEF:,DMG:), under the icons of my weapon
- during combat?
- A: These are weapon bonuses: to accuracy, defence and damage. You may
- also find out the features of given weapon by "using it" as any other
- item (see Chapter Six for details).
- Q: I'm in Dacrell: Where is hidden the key to the door in the sewers?
- Where can I find Master Heollar?
- A: The key is hidden just to the right from the door, you must use
- SEARCHING (click on icon of chest or press PgDn) to find it.
- You may find Master Heollar in the second part of the sewers, behind
- the great steel door, however he will appear to meet you only if you
- ask many people in Dacrell about him.
- Q: How can I find Hual-Yaag fruit in the Anvard Valley?
- A: You may ask wizard Rexigus: he will tell you where you can find the
- fruit. There is a swamp in south-easterly part of the valley,
- you must find the plant with partially yellow leaves: step on it,
- and choose SEARCHING (by pressing PgDn or clicking on the icon
- of chest), and you will find the fruit.
- Q: How can I learn the First Words of Banishment?
- A: You must read the Chapter Two of Hossaur's Book.
- Q: How can I defeat Shadow Warrior in the Forest of Ulm?
- A: You may slay him using magical weapon, however it may be difficult
- due to his very high fighting skill. There is a way to defeat him
- without the fight: you may know this way from Unicorn.
- Q: How to pass all these tricky levels of Guardians' Temple?
- A: You may find the way by reading the Chapter Three of Hossaur's Book.
- Lords of Doom game is based on my own original RPG system (created
- for this game only). This system is different from the majority of
- other RPG fantasy systems. You cannot find here dwarfs, elves, or
- halflings, like in other fantasy RPGs. From the other side there are
- many "classic" features of fantasy world in my system: powerful magic,
- mystic creatures like dragons, undeads and demons and so on. If you
- are interested in features of Lords of Doom fantasy world this chapter
- should give you some informations:
- Your quest takes place on the planet similar to our Earth. There are
- two major continents there, known as Northern Continent and Southern
- Continent. Most of the empires are in the Southern Continent. Character
- mother land: United Kingdom of Gath-Vyr and Kooru is known as the most
- beautiful land of the Northern Continent. There are some other small
- countries in the Northern Continent, but they are rather not interesting.
- Empires from the southern continents are usually quite big, and they
- are ruled by the strong and despothic emperors. Volhorn Empire is said
- to be the most civilized empire in the world, it has very strong army
- and lots of big cities and fortresses. Arami Empire is ruled by the
- ancient dynasty of powerful emperors. It occupies a very large area of
- steppes, desert and territories near the ocean. Arami Empire is also
- known from many evil wizards and priests of the dark gods who live
- there with the permission of the emperors. Tepmir Kingdom is said to
- be the most peaceful place in the Southern Continent. It lies on the
- beautiful fields and valleys and is surrounded by the great mountains
- which give excellent protection against any enemies. There are a lot
- of places in Southern Continent very rarely visited by humans: for
- example mystic Forest of Ulm, or ancient Element Temples: Fire Temples
- in the volcanoes, flying Air Temples, Water Temples which lie under
- the surface of great lakes etc.
- The time in the world is divided in two eras. There was The Era of Night
- when gods had created human beings and then leaved the world. This Era
- ended 830 years ago. Currently there is The Era of Dawn: new empires
- grow in this era, and people become more and more civilized, strong and
- wise. Civilization of this world may be compared with Rome Civilization
- from the 1st or 2nd century B.C..
- Magic allows people to make thing we may only dream of, but from the other
- side it may stop the progress of technical science: who need any machines
- if there is telekinesis, levitation, teleportation and so on.
- The history of the world is highly connected with the Great Comet: this
- Comet appeared two times, always causing catastrophes, wars, and many other
- dreadul things. You quest begins in the moment when Great Comet appears
- the third time: when the Comet passes near your planet, powerful evil
- demi-god is awaked. Xyrrugoth: immortal creature from the other plane
- of existance, who wanted to conquer this world over ten centuries ago. He
- was stopped by the gods and frozen under the Blue Mountains in the
- Northern Continent. Now Xyrrugoth, known as The Black God returns to
- turn your world into the land of death and pain. When Great Comet will be
- set in one line between your planet and Sun great magical power will
- allow Xyrrugoth to become the real god. You must stop him, otherwise the
- Era of Darkess will come to your world.
- Magic in the World of "The Black God" is rare and mysterious art. Adepts
- must study magic for a long time to learn how to cast spells and perform
- mystic rituals. There are several Colleges of Magic which specialize in
- a different kind of mystic power. There are Elementalists, who used the
- power of Four Elements in their research. Alchemics are those Elementalists
- who specialize in creating the magical potions, drugs and wands.
- Very rare Illusionists use their power to create magical illusions which
- may deceive human mind. Necromancers are those dark wizards who use their
- power to summon and control undead beings. Almost any necromancer wants
- to live forever, but only the most skilled of them may finally transform
- into the powerful liche. Enchanters are those wizards, who use their
- skill to lock the magical energy in the items or even living beings,
- enchater may create, for example, magical weapon which may harm
- beings immune to normal physical attacks. Crystals, which are used to
- learn the more powerful spells, are also made by enchanters.
- Finally Conjurers are those wizards which use their magic to summon
- beings and mystic powers from the other planes of existance. Expirienced
- conjurers may even summom demons: powerful gods' servants. Conjurer's
- life is very difficult, because sometimes summoned power may run of
- control, and for example summoned greater demons often kill those
- who dare conjure them to this world.
- Specialization in one kind of magic, does not limit the use of other
- kinds of magic, for example: illusionist may cast spells from Elementalists'
- college. Specialization allows simply to use the given kind of magic
- with the lesser effort and greater effect: for example illusion created by
- the illusionist will last for a longer period of time and look more
- realistic then illusion created by the conjurer etc. Powerful wizards
- may reach the mastery in more then one college of magic: for example
- legendery conjurer Hossaur from the Tepmir Kingdom, who lived two centuries
- ago was not only powerful conjurer, but also the great necromancer.
- This world is inhabited by lots of strange monsters. Dragons are said
- to be the strongest and the most intelligent beast from this world.
- There are a few kinds of dragons: the most common, red and green dragons,
- live usually in the mountains and are famous for their fire breath
- which may turn a human being to dust. There are also black dragons who
- are said to be the servants of greater demons and dark gods' priests. Breath
- of black dragon is the cone of dark fire which not only kills but may also
- raise dead bodies into zombies. The most rare and the most powerful are
- ice dragons: they live in the highest mountains in their icy caves. Ice
- dragon's breath is the cone of freezing air which turns living beings into
- icy statuetes which may be easly crushed into pieces by one dragon's blow.
- Lots of undead beings, natural or summoned may be found in this world.
- Ghosts, spectres and certain shadows are simply lost souls who must stay
- for some reasons in our world. They are usually not aggresive and they
- can telepathically communicate with a human being. Haunts are the cursed
- souls who were magically forced to stay in our world and guard the given
- places. Skeletons are magically created (or summoned) creatures who serve
- the necromancers. There are a few kinds of skeletons: regular skeletons,
- skelton warriors and guards, skeleton champions and skeleton lords.
- Skeleton champions and lords have its own "mind" and they may perform
- tasks that require a bit of intelligence.
- Lots of other strange beings you may find in this world during your quest.
- Some of them were described in the Chapter One of Hossaur's Book.
- (Hossaur's book is a magical artifact which may be found
- during your quest).
- If you are a fan of real (not computer) RPG, you may be possibly interested
- in technical side of this game. Here are some informations which can give
- you an idea of this system:
- Your hero: since you lead only one hero to complete the quest from this
- game the character is not a one-class character. Character skills make
- him quite good fighter, wizard and also thief and ranger. Such universal
- abilities allow the character to face the powerful challenges he meet
- during his long and extremely dangerous quest.
- 1. Strength: It does not reqire a wide description: high strength will
- allow you to cause greater damage in combat. It is also
- useful when you attemp to break through the door etc.
- 2. Toughness: Toughness represents your resistance to physical damage,
- poisons and diseases. The higher toughness, the lesser damage
- you suffer from enemy's blow, and the higher chance to make
- a saving roll against poisons and diseases.
- 3. Dexterity: This attribute represents your general dexterity and
- agility, used when you attemp to escape or disarm a trap etc.
- 4. Willpower: It is a very important attribute. It represents strength
- of your mind: high willpower will make your spells to last
- for a longer time or cause greater damage, while enemy's
- spell will cause lesser damage to you etc.
- 5. Charisma: It is used in dealing with merchants. Your bad health conditon
- may reduce rating of this attribute in some situations.
- 1. FIGHTER SKILL: It represents your general combat abilities. High
- fighter skill will higher your chance to hit your enemies,
- and lower enemies' chance to hit you.
- 2. RANGER SKILL: It is your knowledge about various areas. High ranger
- skill will lower the chance of a random encounter, and make
- movement on dangerous terrain (like swamp etc.) much safer.
- 3. THIEF SKILL: It is very useful in such sitation like escape, disarming
- the trap, or attempts to pick the lock.
- 4. WIZARD SKILL: It represents your spellcasting ability. Your chance to
- cast a given spell and to resist the effects of your enemies'
- spell depends on your wizard skill.
- 5. MERCHANT SKILL: It makes your dealing with merchants much easier:
- high merchant skill allows you to buy things cheaper, and sell
- your goods at higher prices.
- Spells are divided into power levels (see Chapter Nine for details).
- Spells from the 1st power level are the most simple to cast: no test is
- required to cast such a spell. Spells from the 2nd and higher power levels
- require a WIZARDS SKILL test. The higher power level of spell is, the more
- difficult is to cast it. The chance of casting the spell depends on the
- character WIZARD SKILL, it is reduced by the power level of spell to cast,
- bad condition (serious wounds, disease) will also reduce the chance of
- successful spellcasting. Casting the spell with additional magic points
- gained through meditation (see Chapter Six for details) also reduce the
- chance of casting the spell. This chance may vary from about 55% up to
- 99%. If test is not successful you will see the message "Casting failure!",
- character will lose the half of magic points (rounded down) normally
- needed to cast the spell. Casting a spell from the wand etc. does not
- require any test and it is automatically successful.
- Hero may be healthy, moderately wounded, and seriously wounded. If he is
- healthy, or moderately wounded, no modifiers apply to any tests. If hero is
- moderately or seriously wounded he can not regain health points by the
- simple rest, he may only regain them sleeping. Extra Healing spell will not
- work if hero is moderately or seriously wounded. Serious wounds will lower
- character's strength in combat, and make spellcasting more difficult.
- Poison: if character is poisoned he will lose some amount of health points
- (from 1 to 4: it depends on poison strength) each certain period of time.
- This will last until poison will disappear naturally (after some time),
- character is dead, poison is neutralized by casting Neutralize Poison
- spell, or drinking the green potion. (If you are seriuosly poisoned you
- must cast the spell twice, or drink two potions to entirely neutralize
- the poison, but casting Poison Resistance spell will automatically
- remove any poison or disease regardless of its strength.).
- Disease: You may become diseased if you are wounded by the certain beings,
- drink dirty water etc. Disease will last until it is healed (by spell or
- potion, see above). Disease does not cause any health points losses, but it
- has a bad influence on your tests in magic and combat.
- Hunger and Thirst: If you do not eat/drink anything for a long period of
- time you will become hungry/thirsty. Any successful casting of healing
- spells uses your body resources, so you may not cast healing spells if
- you are hungry and thirsty. Each successful casting of healing spell will
- make you more hungry and thirsty. If you are hungry and/or thirsty you
- will regain less health points during your sleep.
- Sleep: Sleep is very important for the magic user. If you feel sleepy you
- will regain magic points two times slower then normally, and if you are
- very sleepy you will not regain magic points at all. Sleep will always
- restore your magic points to its natural maximum level (so it may reduce
- extra magic points gained by meditation), and will restore you some amount
- of your health points.
- Chance of hitting the enemy in combat is based on your FIGHTER SKILL,
- and modified by your weapon, type of attack you choose, your health
- condition, and enemy's skill, weapon and health condition.
- Base accuracy is called ACCURACY LEVEL:
- Base defence is called DEFENCE LEVEL:
- Now we must find the HIT LEVEL:
- When we know the HIT LEVEL we may see in special table the chance to hit
- in percent. For example HIT LEVEL = 3 will give a 9% chance to hit, while
- HIT LEVEL = 7 a 30% chance. If random percent roll is not higher then
- this percent chance, that means that your weapon strikes the opponent. A
- roll which is higher then this percent chance, but is not higher then a
- percent chance for (HIT LEVEL + 1) means that your weapon hardly hit the
- enemy: such attack causes usually only a small wound. The minimum
- chance to hit the enemy is 2% and maximum is 97%.
- Damage of the attack is counted this way:
- This last modifier is for example resistance to not magical weapon. Some
- beings like ghosts etc, are partially or totally invoulnerable to the
- attack of a not magical weapon. However you may still harm such a being
- even if you don't have a magical weapon: character bare hand attack
- is considered as magical attack, as well as bare hand strike of any
- creature with high magical abilities. Magical weapons in this game cause
- greater damage than the normal weapons, however enchantment do not give
- the weapon any additinal bonus to accuracy or defence.
- 1. Standard attack - It features normal accuracy and middle damage level.
- Just the normal attack during fight.
- 2. Cautious attack - Choose this attack if you want to defend yourself
- rather than to hit the enemy. This attack will reduce
- your HIT LEVEL by 2 points and improves your DEFENCE
- LEVEL to all attacks in this turn by 1 point.
- 3. Minor Critical - This attack is an attempt to hit a voulnerable
- part of enemy's body. Minor critical will reduce your
- HIT LEVEL by 2 points, but improve the DAMAGE
- LEVEL by 50 percent.
- 4. Major Critical - This attack is an attempt to strike a very voulnerable
- part of enemy's body like head etc. Major Critial
- will reduce your HIT level by 4 points, however if
- you hit the enemy, the attack will cause
- double damage.
- 5. Berserk - This attack is not available when your are sleepy or
- feel bad because of disease. You cannot also perform
- berserk attack each turn: when you use it you must
- wait a few turns to regain the "mad" strenght. Berserk
- will improve your HIT LEVEL by 1 point, and give you
- a +2 bonus to your strength. However your DEFENCE
- LEVEL will be reduced by one point, (or two points,
- if your attack misses).
- Accuracy and damage of enemies' attacks are counted the same way as the
- character attacks. Enemies may attempt to strike a critical blow etc.
- Some enemies have special abilities: they can cast spells, their
- attacks may be poisonous or cause diseases. Typical armour may give
- no protection against attack of some beings (haunts etc.).
- Some very powerful attacks may stun character or enemy for one turn:
- stunned being may only defend itself with DEFENCE LEVEL reduced by 2
- points. Some more powerful spells may weaken enemies: if being is
- weakened that means that it has ACCURACY LEVEL reduced by 1 point
- and lowered strenght.
- Some creatures may have special resitance to effect of any spell.
- What is very important: general resistance to magic is represented by the
- being's willpower, magical resistance is just an additional bonus. Magical
- resistance in this game works in a different way than in most of the other
- RPGs. In Lords of Doom this resistance is not a percent chance to negate
- the effect of a given spell (like for example in AD&D RPG); it is rather
- some kind of "armour": no magical resistance tests apply: the higher this
- resistance is, the lower damage any spell will cause to the being etc.
- Magical resistance is usually a feature of the ethereal undeads (ghosts,
- spectres) and beings from the other planes of existance. However people
- with very high willpower also have some magical resistance.
- Spells in Lords of Doom are divided into spheres and power levels.
- Sphere contains the spells which have similar effects. For example
- all healing spells concern the problem of character health. Do not
- mistake Spheres for Colleges of Magic (described in Chapter Eight):
- there may be two spells from the different colleges in one sphere,
- for example: Fireball and Claws of Power are both combat sphere spells,
- but Fireball is a typical Elementalists' spell and Claws of Power is
- a powerful Conjurers' spell. There are five spheres available for
- the character:
- 1.) COMBAT SPELLS: This sphere contains spells which are used to harm
- the living beings. This spells may cause fire damage,
- freezing damage (from the extreme cold), and magical
- damage (from the mystic power). While fire or ice
- damage may be resisted by the abilities of some beings
- or protection from the given spells, magical damage
- may only be reduced by the high willpower and
- magical resistance.
- 2.) HEALING SPELLS: This sphere contains spells which heals the wounds,
- poisons and diseases. Powerful healing spell may even
- bring very seriously wounded character to full
- health. These spells uses body resources to rebuilt
- character health, so casting such a spell will make
- character more hungry and thirsy. Healing spells
- cannot be cast when character is hungry and thirsy.
- Casting the healing spell takes much more time than
- casting any other spells: so it is impossible to cast
- any healing spell during combat.
- 3.) PROTECTION SPELLS: This sphere contains the spells which give the
- character some kind of protection against various
- physical attacks. A protection spell may work
- as an armour, or reduce the damage caused by the
- fire attacks. The most powerful protection spells
- may make character almost invoulnerable to
- some kind of attacks.
- 4.) BODY SPELLS: This sphere contains the spells which are used to
- improve abilities of human body. Body spells may, for
- example, increase character strength or allow him to
- breath under water. Body spell may be very useful
- in exploring dangerous areas or during fight.
- 5.) ENERGY SPELLS: This sphere contains the spells which base on pure
- magical energy. Such spells may allow you for examle
- to fly, or dispel illusionary walls. Casting energy
- spell requires concentration and difficult gestures
- so it is impossible to cast such a spell
- during combat.
- Power level is an equivalent for the circle in other RPGs. However there is
- one major difference between power level and the circle. To cast the spell
- from given power level you simply need to know this spell, you do not
- have to gain appriorate amount of expirience points etc. However the more
- powerful spell, the more difficult to cast it: the higher power level,
- the lesser chance of casting the spell (if you are interested in details,
- refer to Chapter Eight). Character starts with the spells from the first and
- the second power level in each sphere. The most powerful spells have the
- fifth power level. To learn the spell from a higher power level, you must
- know all lesser spells from the given sphere.
- Casting given spell requires some amount of magic points.
- The more powerul spell, the more magic points character need to cast it.
- Magic points are being regained during normal play (when hero explores the
- area etc.) and during rest (refer to Chapter Six for details).
- Casting a spell from the wand does not uses any magic points. To activate
- magical orb that holds the spell you need one magic point. (Magical orbs
- are some strange crystal spheres that can hold a charge of the given
- spell, there are three kind of orbs: Cloud Orb which holds one charge of
- Fly spell, Blizzard Orb which holds one charge of Ice Strike spell, and
- Volcano Orb which holds three charges of Fireball spell,
- released at one time).
- (number before the spell name is the spell power level)
- 1. Fire Arrow 1. Minor Healing 1. Magic Dodge
- 2. Fireball 2. Neutralize Poison 2. Armour
- 3. Ice Strike 3. Major Healing 3. Fire Resistance
- 4. Claws of Power 4. Heal 4. Magic Barrier
- 5. Death Strike 5. Extra Healing 5. Invoulnerability
- 1. Strength 1. Magic Light
- 2. Water Breathing 2. Telekinesis
- 3. Night Vision 3. Fly
- 4. Poison Resistance 4. Dispel Illusions
- 5. Quickness 5. Ethereal Leap
- Spells descriptons: after the name of the spell, there is something like
- that [xx,D]: xx is a number of magic points you need to cast this spell,
- D is a symbol of spell duration, it may be one of four letters:
- I: Instant duration: spell has only single instant effect.
- S: Short duration: this spell last only a few turns in combat, so it has
- no effect outside combat.
- L: Long duration: this spell lasts for some time (it can be even a few
- hours). There are eight such spells: when given spell is active, its
- icon is shown to the right from the magic points score.
- Armour / Red glowing armour
- Fire Resistance / Fire and sparks
- Strenght / Strong arm
- Water Breathing / A blue fish
- Night Vision / Mystic eye
- Posion resistance / Poison and blood
- Magic Light / The symbol of sun
- Fly / Wings
- P: Permanent: effect of this spell is unlimited by time.
- 1. Fire Arrow [3,I]
- A magic missile that causes minor fire damage to a single target.
- Creatures with high magical abilities may easely dodge this missile.
- 2. Fireball [6,I]
- An area effect spell that causes fire damage to multiple enemies.
- Enemy's high magical abilities may reduce the effect of this spell.
- 3. Ice Strike [10,I]
- An area effect spell that causes freezing damage to multiple enemies.
- Enemy's high magical abilities may reduce the effect of this spell.
- Ice Strike may aslo stun some targets.
- 4. Claws of Power [12,I]
- Powerful spell that causes immense magical damage to a single target.
- If enemy survive this spell, he may be stunned and weakened.
- 5. Death Strike [15,I]
- An area effect spell that causes major magical damage to multiple
- enemies. Death Strike may also weaken some targets.
- 1. Minor Healing [4,P]
- This spell heals some wounds. It will not work when character is
- seriously wounded.
- 2. Neutralize Poison [6,P]
- The spell may cure poison and disease. If you are seriously poisoned
- or diseased the first casting of the spell will only reduce the
- strength of poison and/or disease.
- 3. Major Healing [8,P]
- This spell is similar to the Minor Healing spell, but Major Healing
- has usually greater effect and it will work even if character is
- seriously wounded.
- 4. Heal [16,P]
- If character is wounded this spell will resore his health points to
- the maximum natural level. The Heal spell will also cure
- minor diseases.
- 5. Extra Healing [16,P]
- Extra Healing allows character to magically raise his health points
- beyond maximum natural level. Character may have up to 150% of his
- maximum level health points (for example 45 of 30). This spell will
- only work if character is healthy (if he is neither seriously nor
- moderately wounded). The additional health points will last until
- character is wounded etc.
- 1. Magic Dodge [3,S]
- Character body becomes blinking: creatures with low resistance to
- magic may have lower chance to hit the character during combat.
- 2. Armour [7,L]
- While this spell is active, character is protected by the magical
- armour which reduces damage from enemies' blows. Armour spell gives
- protection almost as good as bronze armour, and what is more
- important, bonus from this spell is cumulative with bonus
- from normal armour which character wears.
- 3. Fire Resistance [9,L]
- The name of this spell is Fire Resistance but it protects against any
- form of termal attack: fire or freezing. This spell does not give the
- total invoulnerability to fire or cold but it greatly reduces damage
- form termal attacks (usually three or more times: it depends on
- the attack (normal or magical fire etc.)).
- 4. Magic Barrier [11,S]
- Character's body is surrounded by the magical barrier: it gives him
- a very tough magical armour (the higher character's willpower, the
- tougher armour), but it protects only against not magical attacks.
- 5. Invoulnerability [17,S]
- This powerful spells lasts only for a few combat turns, but it
- gives character total invoulnerability to any fire or cold (even
- magical) and any other not magical attacks. Ivoulnerability gives
- no protection against spells that cause magical damage (Claws of
- Power and Death Strike), and damage caused by magical weapons.
- 1. Strength [3,L]
- The Strength spell will increase the character strength by two
- points. It is very useful in combat, allowing your blows to
- cause greater damage.
- 2. Water Breathing [6,L]
- This spell gives the ability to breath under water. It is very useful
- to have Water Breathing active when character explores swamp or
- sewers, this spell will protect against health points losses during
- movement through a swamp water etc. However Water Breathing does not
- protect against diseases caused by drinking dirty water.
- 3. Night Vision [7,L]
- This spells improves greatly character sight. Night Vision allows
- to see everything perfectly even in the total darkness.
- 4. Poison Resistance [12,L]
- When this spell is active character is totally protected against all
- poisons and diseases. Casting Poison Resistance automatically
- cures any poison and/or disease.
- 5. Quickness [20,S]
- This spell is said to be the rarest spell in the world. Power of
- Quickness makes character muscles to works much faster: it will
- improve his strength and combat abilities, especially it will make
- character extremely difficult to hit in melee combat.
- 1. Magic Light [2,L]
- This spell creates a magical light which is similar to the light
- of the torch, but the spell lasts for a longer time than a typical
- light of the torch or candle.
- 2. Telekinesis [3,I]
- Telekinesis manipulation allows you to pick up an item from the
- distance. However the item must be at least partially seen to
- be able to catch (for examle you can catch item which lies behind
- the tree (you may still partially see it), but you cannot catch
- item which lies behind the stone wall etc.).
- 3. Fly [8,L]
- This spell allows you to fly over some obstacles, for exampe trees,
- It may be used to avoid a lot of problems in some strange areas.
- Fly spell lasts for a short time, and if you see the message "Fly
- spell is unstable..." it means that you have only a few "steps"
- in the air before the spell ends.
- 4. Dispel Illusions [12,I]
- Power of this spell allows character to dispel illusions and force
- fields around him. The area of dispelling effect is greater than
- visible part of the map.
- 5. Ethereal Leap [18,I]
- This powerful spell allows you to "jump" through any obstacle (for
- example stone wall or locked door). The obstacle must not be very
- thick, and there must be a free space behind this obstacle where
- character will appear. You may leap to illusionary walls etc, but you
- may not leap to some special magical areas (for example teleporters).
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- Gravis Ultrasound is a trademark of Advanced Gravis Computer Technology Ltd.
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